Monday, August 29, 2005


doesn't it always happen that there MUST be some set back to a very important day... like the 1st day of school...and when you get ready to leave you find that your set of keys were left in the van yesterday because E used his set when we went to church and my set were left in the tray in the van...oh joy- i say... call E- he's way to far away on a delivery to bring me his key...ok- call Heather...thank goodness for stay at home moms and sister in laws, huh. (I guess i do love you guys LOL ;) --- i say, well we have a little problem this mornin', she like; what now?
anyways, she came and got us and everything worked out fine, E got back in town and I got my van in time to pick everybody up...

Geez, what a day so far...

1 comment:

Heather/SHTEZQ said...

yeah for us SAHM! how could you not love me. it all went well today.