Sunday, August 28, 2005

Princess' Birthday!

As you can see, K's party went well. She got a lot of nice things, thanks everyone! She wore her Snow White dress for a little while then she got too hot from jumping in the jumper and stuff.

When Eric walked in with flowers for her, she absolutely loved it! Of course, she posed for a couple of snapshots with those flowers in hand!

Her b-day is tomorrow and she'll be 4! We've had her since she was 11 months old. She is growing up so fast. Sometimes I can't imagine how anyone could take the chance of missing out on this! GOD has blessed me with my neice and nephew and I would not change it for the world!

(I even made the cake too, isn't it cute!)

School starts tomorrw, so we have my daughters, B=senior, V= sophomore and J, my nephew= 2nd grader- K officially starts her Pre-K class at daycare on Sept.1 when I go back to work!

Here are some more pics from K's party...

1 comment:

Heather/SHTEZQ said...

how beautiful is our princesss