Thursday, February 23, 2006


My HNT for this week contists of my poor little 'ring toe' ~as opposed to 'ring finger' :) ~ I smashed this SAME toe and broke it years and years ago, and it has always been shorter than than he other one and it has always looked a little funny....Well, I did it again, it hurt SO DAMN BAD when I did it again the other day and the next day it was all bruised up and it's even shorter now than before. How many times can you break the same darn toe, I say???? (as you can see, when I smashed it, every bit of my pink polish was instantly removed!)


mrs. awesome said...

i have broken my 4th toe too! it hurts like a mother. you wouldn't think such a tiny part of your body could throb like that, but you'd be wrong. sorry, chickie! hope it heals fast. did you have to tape it?

trisha said...

grody- well I tried taping it the first night i did it but it didn't stay too well- it was off by morning under the covers somewhere...and bot- wearing shoes to work the next day was a @#%#!....

Avery's mom said...

ouch! sorry you hurt your poor toe, I say its time for a pedicure! or else you simply need to wear protective foot gear :)
hard having pretty feet
hope it gets to feeling better